Sunday, March 1, 2015

7.PL/SQL Procedurs,Functions,Cursors,Records with Examples.

#Procedures:A subprogram is a program unit/module that performs a particular task. These subprograms are combined to form larger programs.

A subprogram can be created:

  • At schema level
  • Inside a package
  • Inside a PL/SQL block

A schema level subprogram is a standalone subprogram. It is created with the CREATE PROCEDURE or CREATE FUNCTION statement. It is stored in the database and can be deleted with the DROP PROCEDURE or DROP FUNCTION statement.

A subprogram created inside a package is a packaged subprogram. It is stored in the database and can be deleted only when the package is deleted with the DROP PACKAGE statement.

PL/SQL subprograms are named PL/SQL blocks that can be invoked with a set of parameters. PL/SQL provides two kinds of subprograms:

Functions: these subprograms return a single value, mainly used to compute and return a value.

Procedures: these subprograms do not return a value directly, mainly used to perform an action.

This chapter is going to cover important aspects of a PL/SQL procedure.


Creating a Procedure
A procedure is created with the CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE statement. The simplified syntax for the CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE statement is as follows:

[(parameter_name [IN | OUT | IN OUT] type [, ...])]
{IS | AS}
  < procedure_body >
END procedure_name;


A PL/SQL function is same as a procedure except that it returns a value.

Syntax:Creating a Function

A standalone function is created using the CREATE FUNCTION statement. The simplified syntax for the CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE statement is as follows:

[(parameter_name [IN | OUT | IN OUT] type [, ...])]
RETURN return_datatype
{IS | AS}
   < function_body >
END [function_name];

#CursorsA cursor is a pointer to this context area. PL/SQL controls the context area through a cursor. A cursor holds the rows (one or more) returned by a SQL statement. The set of rows the cursor holds is referred to as the active set.

You can name a cursor so that it could be referred to in a program to fetch and process the rows returned by the SQL statement, one at a time.

There are two types of cursors: Implicit and Explicit Cursors.

Implicit cursors:Implicit cursors are automatically created by Oracle whenever an SQL statement is executed, when there is no explicit cursor for the statement.

Programmers cannot control the implicit cursors and the information in it.

Whenever a DML statement (INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE) is issued, an implicit cursor is associated with this statement. For INSERT operations, the cursor holds the data that needs to be inserted. For UPDATE and DELETE operations, the cursor identifies the rows that would be affected.

%FOUND - Returns TRUE if an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement affected one or more rows or a SELECT INTO statement returned one or more rows. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.

%NOTFOUND-The logical opposite of %FOUND. It returns TRUE if an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement affected no rows, or a SELECT INTO statement returned no rows. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.

%ISOPEN-Always returns FALSE for implicit cursors, because Oracle closes the SQL cursor automatically after executing its associated SQL statement.

%ROWCOUNT-Returns the number of rows affected by an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement, or returned by a SELECT INTO statement.

Explicit cursors:Explicit cursors are programmer defined cursors for gaining more control over the context area. An explicit cursor should be defined in the declaration section of the PL/SQL Block. It is created on a SELECT Statement which returns more than one row.

The syntax for creating an explicit cursor is :

CURSOR cursor_name IS select_statement;
Working with an explicit cursor involves four steps:

Declaring the cursor for initializing in the memory

CURSOR c_customers IS
   SELECT id, name, address FROM customers;

Opening the cursor- allocates memory for the cursor and makes it ready for fetching the rows returned by the SQL statement into it.

OPEN c_customers;

Fetching the cursor for retrieving data-involves accessing one row at a time.

FETCH c_customers INTO c_id, c_name, c_addr;

Closing the cursor to release allocated memory: CLOSE c_customers;

#Records:A PL/SQL record is a data structure that can hold data items of different kinds. Records consist of different fields, similar to a row of a database table.

PL/SQL can handle the following types of records:Table Based and Cursor Based Records.

Table-based:The %ROWTYPE attribute enables a programmer to create table-based and cursor-based records.


   customer_rec customers%rowtype;
   SELECT * into customer_rec
   FROM customers
   WHERE id = 5;

   dbms_output.put_line('Customer ID: ' ||;
   dbms_output.put_line('Customer Name: ' ||;
   dbms_output.put_line('Customer Address: ' || customer_rec.address);
   dbms_output.put_line('Customer Salary: ' || customer_rec.salary);

Cursor-Based Records:


   CURSOR customer_cur is
      SELECT id, name, address
      FROM customers;
   customer_rec customer_cur%rowtype;
   OPEN customer_cur;
      FETCH customer_cur into customer_rec;
      EXIT WHEN customer_cur%notfound;
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( || ' ' ||;

Accessing Fields
To access any field of a record, we use the dot (.) operator. The member access operator is coded as a period between the record variable name and the field that we wish to access.

User-defined records:PL/SQL provides a user-defined record type that allows you to define different record structures. Records consist of different fields. Suppose you want to keep track of your books in a library. You might want to track the following attributes about each book:




Book ID

Here is the way you would declare the Book record:

(title  varchar(50),
    author  varchar(50),
    subject varchar(100),
    book_id   number);
book1 books;
book2 books;

Accessing Fields
To access any field of a record, we use the dot (.) operator. The member access operator is coded as a period between the record variable name and the field that we wish to access. Following is the example to explain usage of record:

   type books is record
      (title varchar(50),
       author varchar(50),
       subject varchar(100),
       book_id number);
   book1 books;
   book2 books;
   -- Book 1 specification
   book1.title  := 'C Programming'; := 'Nuha Ali ';
   book1.subject := 'C Programming Tutorial';
   book1.book_id := 6495407;

   -- Book 2 specification
   book2.title := 'Telecom Billing'; := 'Zara Ali';
   book2.subject := 'Telecom Billing Tutorial';
   book2.book_id := 6495700;

Records as Subprogram Parameters:You can pass a record as a subprogram parameter in very similar way as you pass any other variable. You would access the record fields in the similar way as you have accessed in the above example:

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