Tuesday, March 3, 2015

5.Joins,format the results,Export the results,Parameters

#Joins In Discoverer: a join relates two folders using one or more matching items. In the database, a join relates two tables using matching columns.

Type of Joins

Single Item Joins

Multi Item Joins

Joining more than two folders


One-to-many joins:Are the most common type of join. With a one-to-many join, one row in the master folder is joined to multiple rows in the detail folder.

One-to-one joins:One-to-one joins are joins between two folders where both items used in the join are primary keys. Therefore only one row in one folder will join to only one (or no) rows in the other folder.

Many-to-Many Joins:Many-to-many joins are not supported directly in Discoverer (or in any relational system). However, many-to-many joins can always be reworked and transformed into multiple one-to-many joins. Very occasionally, a many-to-many join is a valid construct.

#Format the results:With the format exception feature we can highlight with the color based on condition.

Select the particular column->right click->Format Exception

Click on New->Select the column name

Condition->Choose the color->Click on 'OK'.

#Export the Results:With this option we can export the entire output into excel sheet by using 'X' symbol in the tool bar.But with this we can export the results from only one worksheet.
To export all the worksheets from the workbook go to File->Export->Choose the number of Worksheets->Ok

#Parameters:To create new parameters go to tools->Parameters->Click on New(Provide Name,Prompt,Description)

After creation of the parameters we need to change the condition if we are using range of parameters.

Go to tools->Conditions, Use >= From value and <= to value (or) use between & operator.

Note: We can apply same parameters to multiple tabs/worksheets without creating into other sheets.

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