Requisition: is one of the purchasing document will be prepared by the employee when ever he required the materials or Services or Training and so on.
we have two types of Requisitions :
Internal requisition will be created if materials are receiving from another Inventory within same organization.(Here the source type is 'Inventory')
Purchase requisition will be created while purchasing the materials from the Suppliers.(Here the source type is 'Supplier')
We will enter the Requisition at three levels(1.Header,2.Line,3.Distributions)
1)Header:Open the Requisition form enter the 'Reqno' and select the type at Header level.
(Table:PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL: IMP Columns:REQUISITION_HEADER_ID:unique system generated Requisition id,PREPARER_ID:It is a unique identifier of the employee who
prepared the requisition,SEGMENT1: It is the Requisition number,AUTHORIZATION_STATUS:Authorization status type,TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE:Requisition type,ORG_ID:Unique Operating unit unique identifier.
2)Line(Table:PO_REQUISITION_LINES_ALL: Imp Columns:REQUISITION_HEADER_ID:unique system generated Requisition identifier,
LINE_NUM: Indicates the Line number
LINE_TYPE_ID: Indicates the Line type
CATEGORY_ID: Unique Item category identifier
ITEM_DESCRIPTION: Description of the Item
QUANTITY NUMBER: Quantity ordered
This table stores information about the accounting distributions of a requisition line. Each requisition line must have at least one accounting distribution. Each row
includes the Accounting Flexfield ID and Requisition line quantity.
Important columns of this table:
DISTRIBUTION_ID: Unique Requisition distribution identifier
REQUISITION_LINE_ID: Unique Requisition line identifier
CODE_COMBINATION_ID: Unique General Ledger charge account identifier
DISTRIBUTION_NUM: Distribution number
Open the Requisition form enter the 'Reqno' and select the type at Header level.
Enter the Items information at line level like Item name,qty,unitprice,tax and so on
select Distributions button enter the Distributions details.
Select the Approve button to go for approving the Requisition Document.
Open the Requisition summary form.
Enter the Reqno select find button we can find the Requisition status wether it is
approved or not.
select Tools menu => View Action History to find the history details
Select Tools Menu =>Control option to Cancel the requisition.
Once the Requisition is Approved Buyer will prepare thre RFQ document which will be
delivered to the supplier. Supplier will respond for that with quotation.
we have Three types of RFQ documents
BID RFQ:This will be prepared for the secific fixed quantity and there won't be any
catalog RFQ: This will be create for te materials which we will purchase from the
suppliers regularley , and large number of quantity. Here we can specify the
Price Breaks.
Standard RFQ: This will be prepared for the Items which we will purchase only once
not very often,Here we can include the Discounts information at different
auantity levels.
RFQ Information will be entered at 3 Level
3)Price Breaks(CATALOG,STANDARD) or Shippments (Only for Bid RFQ).
Quotation is another purchasing document we will receive from the Supplier which
contains the supplier quote details , Price, Payment terms and so on.
Whatever the quotations we have received from the supplier we will enter in the system
through form.
We have three types of Quotations 1)Bid 2)Catalog 3)Standard
For Bid RFQ we will receive Bid quotation from the Supplier
For Catalog RFQ we will receive Catalog quotation from the Supplier
For Standard RFQ we will receive Standard quotation from the Supplier.
After enter all the quotations in the system management will do quote analysis as per
that one best quotation will be elected as Purchase Order.
Quotation Report
Item Name (Table Value set MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B Segment1)
QuoteNo Type Cdate Supplier Site ContactPerson Buyer Created(UserName).
PO is one of the Main document which will be prepared and approved by the buyer and
send it to the supplier. which contains the following information
terms and Conditions
Items deails
Distiribution and Shipment Details and so on.
We have four types of Purchase Order 1)STANDARD
Purchase Orders=> Purchase Orders
Open the PO form enter the Inforamtion at header level select line level inforamtion
enter the items and quantity,price details
select shippments button enter the shippment details select the Distributions button
enter the Distribution Detauils.
Select the Button called Approve (Uncheck Email Check Box) , Document will be submitted
for approval.
open the Purchase Order summary form enter PO number Select Find button we can find
the status of the Purchase order.
Goto Tools menu
Action History => We can find who hs submitted for Approve /Reject /Cancel details
Copy Document => To Create Another PO based on this PO
Control => To Close the Purchase Order or to cancel the Purchase Order.
It is one of the Purchasing feature to create the RFQ and PO documents automatically
by using requisition lines.
1)Create Requisition and approve
2)Open the AutoCreate form
3)Select Clear button enter the RequisitionNO
4)Select find button which will shows all the requisition lines
select the lines whatever we want to include into the RFQ
5)select Action = Create to create new RFQ
AddTo to add lines to exisiting to RFQ
6)Select DocumentType = RFQ
7)select Automatic button which will create RFQ document automatically .
Receipts are one of the documents it will be used to find out how much quantity Supplier has supplied. We will find out Purchase Order status if it is
successfully approved then we will create the Receipt. We will give the PO Number select Findbutton check the PO lines right mark and save. It will create the Receipt
number select Header button it will shows the receipt number and date.
Base tables.
Match Approval Level :- While creating the Purchase Order we will mention the Match Approval Level at Shipments we will have 3 types they are
2-way:- Purchase Order and Invoice Quantities must match within tolerance before the corresponding invoice can be paid.
3-way:- Purchase Order, Receipts and Invoice Quantities must match with in tolerance before the corresponding invoice can be paid.
4-way:- Purchase Order, Receipts, Inspection and Invoice Quantities must match with in tolerance before the corresponding invoice can be paid.
Here we will select the Invoice type and we will give the Supplier number, name, site invoice date, invoice number, invoice currencies, and amount. Select
Distributions button to distribute the Invoice amount into different accounts.
1. Invoice total should be equal to the distributions total then we will call it as Invoice validated successfully.
Invoice Holds:- If invoice is not approved then that invoice will be keeping under hold status. By selecting holds button in invoice form we can see the holds
details.(Tables : ap_holds_all,ap_holds_release_name_v).
Payments:- Once the Invoice is approved then we can go for payments. The Payments are or 3 types. They were
1. Manual
2. Quick
3. Refund
Manual:- Here we will issue the checks manually to the supplier and we will capture that information in the payment scheme by using manual payment option.
Quick:- Through the Quick Payment type we can generate checks through the system and we can have the transactions directly in the system.
Refund:- When ever company is going to give advance back to the customer that time we will select payment type as Refund.
Navigation steps for Payments:-
payments ==> payments
For view list of payments:
Select * from ap_invoice_payments_all;
Select * from ap_payment_schedules_all;
For check’s information:
Select * from ap_checks_all;
For check format:
Select * from ap_check_formats;
Select * from ap_checkrun_conc_processes_all;
Distribution Set:- It is one of the option is available in Invoices Screen. While creating the Invoice we will attach distribution set. System will automatically
create the transactions in distributions forms as per the distribution set.
set-up =>invoice=> distribution set
To view Distribution sets at header level:
Select * from ap_distribution_sets_all;
To view Distribution sets at lines level:
Select * from ap_distribution_set_lines_all;
Transferring Transactions from AP to GL:-
We will execute the concurrent program from SRS Window. This program will transfer all the payment transactions into the G.L Module. It will take following
Program Name:- Payables Transfer to General Ledger
Set of Books Name
Transfer Reporting Book(s)
From Date
To Date
Journal Category
Validate Accounts
Transfer To GL Interface
Submit Journal Import : yes (It should be always YES)
To view from AP to GL:
Select * from gl_interface;
To view journal import details:
Select * from gl_je_headers à for Headers
Select * from gl_je_lines à for Lines
Select * from gl_je_batches à for Batches
To view posting:
Select * from gl_balances;
Requisition: is one of the purchasing document will be prepared by the employee when ever he required the materials or Services or Training and so on.
we have two types of Requisitions :
Internal requisition will be created if materials are receiving from another Inventory within same organization.(Here the source type is 'Inventory')
Purchase requisition will be created while purchasing the materials from the Suppliers.(Here the source type is 'Supplier')
We will enter the Requisition at three levels(1.Header,2.Line,3.Distributions)
1)Header:Open the Requisition form enter the 'Reqno' and select the type at Header level.
(Table:PO_REQUISITION_HEADERS_ALL: IMP Columns:REQUISITION_HEADER_ID:unique system generated Requisition id,PREPARER_ID:It is a unique identifier of the employee who
prepared the requisition,SEGMENT1: It is the Requisition number,AUTHORIZATION_STATUS:Authorization status type,TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE:Requisition type,ORG_ID:Unique Operating unit unique identifier.
2)Line(Table:PO_REQUISITION_LINES_ALL: Imp Columns:REQUISITION_HEADER_ID:unique system generated Requisition identifier,
LINE_NUM: Indicates the Line number
LINE_TYPE_ID: Indicates the Line type
CATEGORY_ID: Unique Item category identifier
ITEM_DESCRIPTION: Description of the Item
QUANTITY NUMBER: Quantity ordered
This table stores information about the accounting distributions of a requisition line. Each requisition line must have at least one accounting distribution. Each row
includes the Accounting Flexfield ID and Requisition line quantity.
Important columns of this table:
DISTRIBUTION_ID: Unique Requisition distribution identifier
REQUISITION_LINE_ID: Unique Requisition line identifier
CODE_COMBINATION_ID: Unique General Ledger charge account identifier
DISTRIBUTION_NUM: Distribution number
Open the Requisition form enter the 'Reqno' and select the type at Header level.
Enter the Items information at line level like Item name,qty,unitprice,tax and so on
select Distributions button enter the Distributions details.
Select the Approve button to go for approving the Requisition Document.
Open the Requisition summary form.
Enter the Reqno select find button we can find the Requisition status wether it is
approved or not.
select Tools menu => View Action History to find the history details
Select Tools Menu =>Control option to Cancel the requisition.
Once the Requisition is Approved Buyer will prepare thre RFQ document which will be
delivered to the supplier. Supplier will respond for that with quotation.
we have Three types of RFQ documents
BID RFQ:This will be prepared for the secific fixed quantity and there won't be any
catalog RFQ: This will be create for te materials which we will purchase from the
suppliers regularley , and large number of quantity. Here we can specify the
Price Breaks.
Standard RFQ: This will be prepared for the Items which we will purchase only once
not very often,Here we can include the Discounts information at different
auantity levels.
RFQ Information will be entered at 3 Level
3)Price Breaks(CATALOG,STANDARD) or Shippments (Only for Bid RFQ).
Quotation is another purchasing document we will receive from the Supplier which
contains the supplier quote details , Price, Payment terms and so on.
Whatever the quotations we have received from the supplier we will enter in the system
through form.
We have three types of Quotations 1)Bid 2)Catalog 3)Standard
For Bid RFQ we will receive Bid quotation from the Supplier
For Catalog RFQ we will receive Catalog quotation from the Supplier
For Standard RFQ we will receive Standard quotation from the Supplier.
After enter all the quotations in the system management will do quote analysis as per
that one best quotation will be elected as Purchase Order.
Quotation Report
Item Name (Table Value set MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B Segment1)
QuoteNo Type Cdate Supplier Site ContactPerson Buyer Created(UserName).
PO is one of the Main document which will be prepared and approved by the buyer and
send it to the supplier. which contains the following information
terms and Conditions
Items deails
Distiribution and Shipment Details and so on.
We have four types of Purchase Order 1)STANDARD
Purchase Orders=> Purchase Orders
Open the PO form enter the Inforamtion at header level select line level inforamtion
enter the items and quantity,price details
select shippments button enter the shippment details select the Distributions button
enter the Distribution Detauils.
Select the Button called Approve (Uncheck Email Check Box) , Document will be submitted
for approval.
open the Purchase Order summary form enter PO number Select Find button we can find
the status of the Purchase order.
Goto Tools menu
Action History => We can find who hs submitted for Approve /Reject /Cancel details
Copy Document => To Create Another PO based on this PO
Control => To Close the Purchase Order or to cancel the Purchase Order.
It is one of the Purchasing feature to create the RFQ and PO documents automatically
by using requisition lines.
1)Create Requisition and approve
2)Open the AutoCreate form
3)Select Clear button enter the RequisitionNO
4)Select find button which will shows all the requisition lines
select the lines whatever we want to include into the RFQ
5)select Action = Create to create new RFQ
AddTo to add lines to exisiting to RFQ
6)Select DocumentType = RFQ
7)select Automatic button which will create RFQ document automatically .
Receipts are one of the documents it will be used to find out how much quantity Supplier has supplied. We will find out Purchase Order status if it is
successfully approved then we will create the Receipt. We will give the PO Number select Findbutton check the PO lines right mark and save. It will create the Receipt
number select Header button it will shows the receipt number and date.
Base tables.
Match Approval Level :- While creating the Purchase Order we will mention the Match Approval Level at Shipments we will have 3 types they are
2-way:- Purchase Order and Invoice Quantities must match within tolerance before the corresponding invoice can be paid.
3-way:- Purchase Order, Receipts and Invoice Quantities must match with in tolerance before the corresponding invoice can be paid.
4-way:- Purchase Order, Receipts, Inspection and Invoice Quantities must match with in tolerance before the corresponding invoice can be paid.
Here we will select the Invoice type and we will give the Supplier number, name, site invoice date, invoice number, invoice currencies, and amount. Select
Distributions button to distribute the Invoice amount into different accounts.
1. Invoice total should be equal to the distributions total then we will call it as Invoice validated successfully.
Invoice Holds:- If invoice is not approved then that invoice will be keeping under hold status. By selecting holds button in invoice form we can see the holds
details.(Tables : ap_holds_all,ap_holds_release_name_v).
Payments:- Once the Invoice is approved then we can go for payments. The Payments are or 3 types. They were
1. Manual
2. Quick
3. Refund
Manual:- Here we will issue the checks manually to the supplier and we will capture that information in the payment scheme by using manual payment option.
Quick:- Through the Quick Payment type we can generate checks through the system and we can have the transactions directly in the system.
Refund:- When ever company is going to give advance back to the customer that time we will select payment type as Refund.
Navigation steps for Payments:-
payments ==> payments
For view list of payments:
Select * from ap_invoice_payments_all;
Select * from ap_payment_schedules_all;
For check’s information:
Select * from ap_checks_all;
For check format:
Select * from ap_check_formats;
Select * from ap_checkrun_conc_processes_all;
Distribution Set:- It is one of the option is available in Invoices Screen. While creating the Invoice we will attach distribution set. System will automatically
create the transactions in distributions forms as per the distribution set.
set-up =>invoice=> distribution set
To view Distribution sets at header level:
Select * from ap_distribution_sets_all;
To view Distribution sets at lines level:
Select * from ap_distribution_set_lines_all;
Transferring Transactions from AP to GL:-
We will execute the concurrent program from SRS Window. This program will transfer all the payment transactions into the G.L Module. It will take following
Program Name:- Payables Transfer to General Ledger
Set of Books Name
Transfer Reporting Book(s)
From Date
To Date
Journal Category
Validate Accounts
Transfer To GL Interface
Submit Journal Import : yes (It should be always YES)
To view from AP to GL:
Select * from gl_interface;
To view journal import details:
Select * from gl_je_headers à for Headers
Select * from gl_je_lines à for Lines
Select * from gl_je_batches à for Batches
To view posting:
Select * from gl_balances;